Throughout my years in high school and college, I've been told by my parents and career coaches that networking is the number one way to succeed in your career, aside from doing a good job. Here's 3 reasons why networking will elevate your life.

1. Get Known.
No matter if it's a career fair or a social event, there are bound to be people who currently have jobs no matter where you go. You'll want to talk to them and maintain a good relationship after as one way or another, they could lead you to your next career path.
To put it in a real-life example, I got to someone who worked at a marketing firm at the gym and we started talking about our lives and what we do. I was a college junior at the time and before I knew it, I got a job referral.
2. Get to know or choose your career choice better and pave the way.
If you have chosen a career path but have little to no clue about the industry, networking is the number one method I recommend to get direct and detailed information you need.
Obviously, it would be best to do it in person with someone at a career fair where it's the right place and time to do so. However, online platforms like LinkedIn and Handshake are other great ways to reach out to people who are currently working in the industry or organization of your choice. There are resources for you to reach out to them via the chat box and even email.
3. Future opportunities for you.
There are two paths to this point. One being prospective employers keeping you in mind for future opportunities, and the other being you knowing who to call when you start your own business. However, I would like to emphasize the latter.
College is paradise when it comes to networking with people around the same age and have the same motivation as you do. You will find people from all walks of life there and some are bound to be successful business owners some day. Be it through starting from the bottom with their own ideas and aspirations or future family business heirs, you are going to need them at some point of your life.
These reasons are solely based on our experiences and it certainly worked for me. I will upload future posts on how to network and how to build your personal brand, even if you're and introvert. Stay tuned to these updates by signing up to for newsletters and as a member to stay in the know.
These are 3 reasons why networking will elevate your life.
Last updated: January 7, 2022.