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My Experience With COVID-19

Writer's picture: Sean GohSean Goh

A man looking into a beautiful horizon.
A man looking into a beautiful horizon.

While I'm writing this post to my fellow readers, I still am under quarantine here in Malaysia. This virus was something I viewed as an endemic the entire time which really was the only way for our society and economy to move forward. With that, I would like to share my experience I had with the virus.

I was at the gym a few days ago when my throat started feeling a tingling sensation. A load of coughs followed throughout the day but that was normal to me as I usually catch this annual cough that would last weeks which I, in 2020, freaked out a whole flight to Vancouver when the pandemic first caught traction. Thinking it was just one of those episodes, I brushed it off and continued living my life.

Things started getting funky when I felt an on and off headache the following day which was unusual. I never got a headache unless I've been exposed under the hot sun for a long time. Again, the funky feeling was ignored as I went about my day. Unfortunately, things escalated at night when I started to catch a fever which was another unusual occurrence for me as the last time I had one was back in high school.

Getting increasingly paranoid, I took a saliva test the next morning which came out negative. That morning, my grandfather had several medical appointments which I had to take him to and so I went. My physical condition stayed at that state for another day which was weird considering I took some paracetamol and nothing changed. "Maybe I've caught some flu from the insane weather these couple days" which was what I thought to myself until, my mother and sister started coughing and having sore throats.

Breezing through the story a little, we all got tested the following day and our results came out to be positive aside from my dad who was tested negative, which was weird. Three of us were issued home quarantine orders and here I am writing this after a couple days after that feeling 100% again. However, my mother and sister are still on their road to recovery.

Putting everything into perspective, this feelings sucks like a vacuum. However, I do believed that what saved my life was the vaccine and I urge everyone who hasn't gotten their shots or boosters to consider getting them soon. Without those, I believe my situation as well as my family's would be very different. I do sympathize with those who have caught a worse variant or have lost a life of a loved one. It's a tragedy and I feel so lucky to be here now with my loved ones all around.

To move on, this lung shot has to be treated like an endemic. Having lockdowns one after another is simply a selfish move that benefit a small population and a small group of decision-makers. Life has to go on and may a stronger breed of us welcome generations to follow.



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