This post is about what we know about lost civilizations? What more do we not know?

I was just scrolling around on Tik Tok like I do everyday until I stumbled upon some clips from a Joe Rogan interviewing someone from the academic world where they debate on current understanding on things. What usually happens is these situations is it sucks me into this rabbit hole where I get super immersed in said topic. This time, it's about advanced human civilizations.

While listening to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast with Graham Hancock where he reveals evidence of advanced civilizations that date back to the Ice Age. Though we've heard of advanced human civilizations before ours like the ancient Egyptians and their construction of the Pyramids, what about other civilizations before that? Hancock expressed that there have been evidence of very complex methods used to build structures and accessorize themselves with bracelets during a time we thought were supposed to be a hunter-gatherer world. It really got me thinking how do people build complex temples and roads during a time we thought people were simply fighting to survive and simply feeding themselves.
Through research, archeologists have came to hypothesized that there may have been more advanced civilizations before ours. There's always the possibility that mass populations may have been completely wiped out by a kind of disaster like a disease or a massive flood like the one expressed by the Holy Bible in the Book of Genesis. However, Graham Hancock explained that these "lost" advanced civilizations could not have been wiped out in a day; there must have been very few survivors that would most likely have been hunter-gatherers or have seeked refuge from them.

Another problem is archeologists have been hyper-focusing on digging up Europe and the Middle East as it's believed that there's where human civilization started by the Mesopotamians. Where structures and items showing advanced craftsmanship have been excavated in the Americas that predates the Mesopotamian civilization. Hancock expressed that the Americas is underrated when it comes to archeological research where evidence of human activity have been excavated from construction sites that date back to the Paleolithic age.

Going back to ancient advanced civilizations, there have been evidence on people mapping the world during the last ice age. One example explained by Hancock is the ability for people to navigate through the sea during a time we thought had no boats where they were on a sea voyage with advanced navigation and chronological knowledge. The trigger point was the Piri Reis map where the map was based on many older maps extremely precise latitudinal and longitudinal points. Some of these maps have been believed to be draw during the last ice age with Greenland under an ice sheet and the presence of Antartica before we even discovered it in the 19th century AD which was then integrated into modern maps.
How these civilizations disappeared remain uncertain to us. Were there advanced civilizations that existed before the other civilizations we have discussed here? They could have been buried underground maybe beneath our very cities. Guess we won't know anytime soon.
This post is about what we know about lost civilizations? What more do we not know?